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ECECD’s 2025 Legislative Priorities 

For the 2025 legislative session ECECD’s priorities are to enhance outcomes for young children, increase the quality of early childhood programs and improve access to early childhood programs, and ensure the early childhood system is stable and sustainable for future generations of New Mexicans. 

Wave pattern

How Can You Help?

Below is a summary of key bills, along with links to easy-to-share materials to help educate the community and legislators about the breadth and impact of ECECD’s work.

  • Share the materials – link these materials through your social media accounts and educate your community, neighbors, families, and friends with these materials  
  • Show your support – Contact your legislators and share stories about how these programs and services impact your community 
  • Follow ECECD – look for updates on our social media @NewMexicoECECD everywhere 

    Share Your Testimonial!

    Tell us how ECECD’s programs and services have positively impacted your family in a one-minute or less video. Email your video to ececd.communications@ececd.nm.gov.

    • Introduce yourself – Share your name and where you’re from.
    • Speak from the heart – How has ECECD’s support helped your family?

    View and share the testimonials below:

      Meeting the moment, building the future—Let’s work together to strengthen and sustain early childhood programs for generations of New Mexicans!

      Save the Date! Early Childhood Day at the Roundhouse 2025

      📅 Date: Monday, March 17, 2025
      Time: 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
      📍 Location: New Mexico State Capitol (The Roundhouse)
      Address: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501

      Join us for Early Childhood Day at the Roundhouse 2025 as we come together to celebrate and advocate for New Mexico’s youngest children and their families! Connect with policymakers, share resources, and engage with families and early childhood professionals from across the state.

      Key Upcoming Legislative Hearings

      New hearings are scheduled for, Saturday, March 8, 2025:


      • Tune in virtually via the New Mexico Legislature and click on webcast.
      • For public participation or to register for the Zoom webinar, please email SFC.Zoom@nmlegis.gov.

      FY26 Executive Budget for Early Childhood

      View the FY26 executive budget recommendation.

      The Executive Budget recommends a $205 million increase in the department’s FY26 operating budget to reach over 50,000 families and 86,538 children with quality early childhood programs and services. This budget continues to build on the strategic and successful investments of the New Mexico Legislature and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham which have positively changed the lives of tens of thousands of New Mexico families and young children. 

      A special appropriation of $116.6 million will help expand child care assistance, professional development, and workforce sustainability. Early intervention programs will also receive funding to serve all eligible children and increase provider rates. 

      This budget invests in New Mexico’s youngest learners, ensuring they have the resources to grow, learn, and succeed. 

      Click here to view the February 12, 2025, House Appropriations and Finance Committee presentation.

        Why it matters:

        • Strengthens school readiness and child care assistance

        • Supports the early childhood workforce through higher wages and professional development

        • Increases funding for home visiting, Family Infant Toddler (FIT) early intervention services, and Tribal partnerships

        Additionally, the special appropriation request will expand:

        • Child care assistance to reach more families
        • Professional development and workforce sustainability for FIT early intervention programs

        Updated Feb. 10, 2025


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        Graphic Option One: I support the Executive Budget for Early Childhood!

        I support ECECD’s FY26 budget because investing in early childhood means investing in New Mexico’s future workforce, economy, and communities. This budget expands access to child care, supports early educators, and strengthens home visiting and early intervention services—ensuring every child has the foundation to thrive. 

        📢 Tell your legislators: Support the Executive Budget and invest in New Mexico’s youngest learners! #IStandForEarlyChildhood #EarlyChildhoodNM


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        Opción Gráfica Uno: ¡Yo apoyo el Presupuesto Ejecutivo para la Primera Infancia!

        infancia para el ejercicio fiscal 2026

        Apoyo el presupuesto del ECECD para el ejercicio fiscal 2026 porque invertir en la primera infancia significa invertir en el futuro de los trabajadores, la economía y las comunidades de Nuevo México. Con este presupuesto se amplía el acceso al cuidado infantil, se apoya a los maestros de la primera infancia y se fortalecen los servicios de visitas al hogar e intervención temprana, garantizando que todos los menores tengan las bases para ser exitosos.

        📢 Pídanle a sus legisladores que ¡Apoyen el presupuesto del Poder Ejecutivo e inviertan en los estudiantes más pequeños de Nuevo México! #IStandForEarlyChildhood #EarlyChildhoodNM

        SB66: Criminal Offender Employment Act Exemption Bill

        Senator Katy Duhigg and
        Senator Heather Berghmans

        SB66 creates an exception from the Criminal Offender Employment Act for positions involving direct, unsupervised contact with children and vulnerable adults. This allows certain misdemeanor convictions—such as enticement of a child, stalking, and battery of a household member—to be considered when processing background clearances for child care providers, caregivers, teachers, and Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD) employees.

          Why it matters:

          • Strengthens background checks for those working with children

          • Ensures careful screening processes for child care and education staff

          • Helps protect children and vulnerable individuals in care settings

            SB66 SOCIAL MEDIA

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            Graphic Option One: I SUPPORT SB66

            I support SB66 because keeping children safe should be the top priority. This bill ensures stronger background checks for child care providers, teachers, and caregivers by allowing consideration of certain past offenses. Families deserve peace of mind knowing their children are in safe hands.

            📢 Tell your legislators: Strengthen child safety—Support SB66! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

            SB66 REDES SOCIALES

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            Proyecto de ley SB66: Exenciones a la Criminal Offender Employment Act (Ley de Empleo para Delincuentes Penales)

            Apoyo el proyecto de ley SB66 porque mantener a los menores seguros debe ser la principal prioridad. El proyecto de ley asegura que se realicen verificaciones de antecedentes más eficaces de los proveedores de cuidado infantil, los maestros y los cuidadores al permitir que se tomen en consideración algunos delitos anteriores. Las familias merecen tener la tranquilidad de saber que sus hijos se encuentran en buenas manos.

            📢 Pídanle a sus legisladores que mejoren la seguridad de los menores — ¡Apoyen el proyecto de ley SB66!  SB66! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

            SB147: Exclusionary Practices Prohibition Bill

            Senator Harold Pope and
            Senator Linda Trujillo

            SB147 prohibits the expulsion or suspension of children under age five from New Mexico pre-kindergarten programs or licensed child care facilities for discipline or behavioral reasons. Currently, young children are three times more likely to be suspended or expelled than school-age children, often disrupting their learning and family stability.

            Why it matters:

            • Protects children’s right to a stable, supportive learning environment

            • Prevents unnecessary disruptions for families who rely on child care

            • Encourages the use of developmentally appropriate strategies to support children’s behavior

              Updated March 5, 2025

              SB147 SOCIAL MEDIA

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              Graphic Option One: I SUPPORT SB147

              I support SB147 because all young children deserve support, not suspension. This bill keeps kids in safe, nurturing learning environments while helping educators use positive strategies to address behavior. 

              📢 Tell your legislators: Protect all children’s right to learn—Support SB 147! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

              SB147 REDES SOCIALES

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              Proyecto de ley SB147: Prohibición de prácticas de exclusión

              Apoyo el proyecto de ley SB147 porque todos los niños pequeños merecen ser apoyados, no suspendidos. Este proyecto de ley mantiene a los menores en ambientes de aprendizaje seguros y propicios a la vez que ayuda a que los educadores recurran a estrategias positivas para abordar el comportamiento. 

              📢 Pídanle a sus legisladores que protegen el derecho de todos los menores a aprender — ¡Apoyen el proyecto de ley SB147 #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

              SB58: Childcare Facility Licensing Act (System Enhancement and Alignment Bill)

              Sponsor: Senator Michael Padilla

              SB58 improves New Mexico’s prenatal-to-age-five early childhood system by reducing administrative burdens for providers and increasing access to services for families. The bill includes:

                  • Transfers the Early Childhood Education and Care Department’s (ECECD) child care facility licensing authority from the Public Health Act to the Children’s Code and includes limited updates.
                  • Creates an exemption from the Procurement Code to reduce barriers for providers expanding infant and toddler care and align payment practices with the private market.
                  • Updates the Pre-Kindergarten Act to codify existing educator qualification standards for New Mexico PreK (NM PreK), align eligibility across public PreK programs, and update NM PreK application requirements.
                  • Clarifies that ECECD is the department responsible for implementing the Early Childhood Care Accountability Act through a defined statutory reference.

                Why it matters: 

                • Reduces administrative burden for child care providers

                • Strengthens coordination across New Mexico’s early childhood programs

                SB58 SOCIAL MEDIA

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                Graphic Option One: I SUPPORT SB58

                I support SB58 because New Mexico’s early childhood system should be strong, efficient, and accessible for families and providers. This bill reduces red tape, expands child care, and strengthens NM PreK standards—making it easier for families to find and afford quality care.

                📢 Tell your legislators: Support SB58 for a stronger early learning system! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

                SB58 REDES SOCIALES

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                Proyecto de ley SB58: Childcare Facility Licensing Act (System Enhancement and Alignment Bill) [Ley de Expedición de Licencias Establecimientos de Cuidado Infantil (Proyecto de ley para mejorar y armonizar el sistema)]

                Apoyo el proyecto de ley SB58 porque el sistema de primera infancia de Nuevo México debe ser sólido, eficaz y accesible para las familias y los proveedores. Este proyecto de ley reduce la burocracia, amplía el cuidado infantil y fortalece los estándares de prekínder de Nuevo México (NM PreK standards), facilitando que las familias puedan encontrar y pagar cuidado de calidad.

                📢 📢 Pídanle a sus legisladores que ¡Apoyen el proyecto de ley SB58 para tener un sistema de aprendizaje en la primera infancia más sólido!  #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

                HB71: Early Childhood Ed. and Care Fund Transfer Increase

                Sponsor: Rep. Doreen Y. Gallegos

                HB71 increases the annual distribution from the Early Childhood Education and Care Trust Fund from the greater of $250 million or 5 percent to the greater of $500 million or 5 percent. This increase will allow New Mexico to continue building and sustaining a universal, high-quality prenatal-to-age-five system that reaches over 85,000 children and their families.

                Why it matters:

                • Expands access to early childhood programs and services
                • Provides stable funding for long-term investments in young children 
                • Helps families by making high-quality child care and early learning opportunities more available 

                Updated Feb. 11, 2025

                HB71 SOCIAL MEDIA

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                Graphic Option One: I Support HB71: Increased Distribution from the Early Childhood Trust Fund

                I support HB71 because every child deserves a strong start! Increasing funding from the Early Childhood Trust Fund means 85,000+ children and families will continue receiving the high-quality early learning and care they need. Strong investments today mean a stronger New Mexico tomorrow. 

                📢 Tell your legislators: Support HB71! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

                HB71 REDES SOCIALES

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                  Proyecto de ley HB71: Aumento de las transferencias del Early Childhood Education and Care Fund

                  ¡Apoyo el proyecto de ley HB71 porque todos los menores merecen tener un buen comienzo! Aumentar el financiamiento proveniente del Early Childhood Trust Fund (Fondo Fiduciario para la Primera Infancia) significa que más de 85,000 menores y familias seguirán recibiendo los servicios de educación y cuidado en la primera infancia de alta calidad que necesitan. Invertir fuerte el día de hoy significa que Nuevo México será más fuerte mañana. 

                  📢 Pídanle a sus legisladores que ¡Apoyen el proyecto de ley HB71! #IStandForEarlyChildhood #EarlyChildhoodNM    #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

                  SJR6 and SB167: Constitutional Amendment Trust Fund Protections and Supporting Statutes

                  Sponsor: Senator Michael Padilla

                    • SJR6 proposes a constitutional amendment to protect the Early Childhood Education and Care Fund, ensuring that it is permanently dedicated to prenatal and early childhood programs for children up to kindergarten age. If passed, families will get the chance to vote in the next general election on whether or not to protect the fund. 
                    • SB167 updates related laws to align with this protection. These changes will only take effect if voters approve the amendment. 

                  Why it matters:

                  • Secures long-term funding for early childhood education
                  • Stops the funds from being used for anything other than early childhood services
                  • Maintains consistent and dedicated resources for young children and families

                  SJR6 and SB167 SOCIAL MEDIA

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                  Graphic Option One: I Support SJR6 & SB67: Constitutional Protection for Early Childhood Funding

                  I support SJR6 and SB67 because early childhood funding should be protected for generations to come. This bill ensures the Early Childhood Trust Fund can only be used to support prenatal services and programs serving children up to kindergarten entry—keeping resources where they can make the most significant and lasting impact!

                  📢 Tell your legislators: Protect early childhood funding—Support SJR6 & SB167! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood

                  SJR6 Y SB167 REDES SOCIALES

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                  Resolución conjunta del Senado SJR6 y proyecto de ley SB167: Enmienda constitucional sobre protecciones y leyes secundarias del Fondo Fiduciario

                  Apoyo la resolución conjunta del Senado SJR6 y el proyecto de ley SB167 porque el financiamiento para la primera infancia debería estar protegido para las generaciones futuras. Este proyecto de ley garantiza que el Early Childhood Trust Fund (Fondo Fiduciario para la Primera Infancia) solo pueda usarse para apoyar los servicios y programas de prenatal que atienden a los menores hasta que entran al jardín de niño (kindergarten), ¡manteniendo los recursos donde pueden tener un impacto más significativo y duradero!

                  📢 Pídanle a sus legisladores que protejan el financiamiento para la primera infancia — ¡Apoyen la resolución conjunta del Senado SJR6 y el proyecto de ley SB167! #EarlyChildhoodNM #IStandForEarlyChildhood