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Florecer, ECECD’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan

Revised Oct. 2023

Florecer, ECECD’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, has six main components: improving school readiness, building family and community engagement, fostering strong government-to-government relationships, aligning the early childhood ecosystem, ensuring organizational excellence, and improved transparency through the visualization and use of actionable data.

We are proud to share with you Florecer, our five-year plan for making that better future a reality.

Florecer Progress and Accountability Reports

FFY2025-2027 DRAFT Child Care and Development Fund State Plan

May, 2024

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) plays a crucial role in supporting families in New Mexico by providing financial assistance for child care services. New Mexico’s administration of the CCDF program is detailed in the State Plan, which outlines how the program will be managed from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2027.


Quality Progress Report (QPR) For New Mexico FFY 2023

July 2, 2024

The annual Quality Progress Report (QPR) (ACF-218) for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program captures state progress on how CCDF quality funds were expended, including the activities funded and the measures used by the state to evaluate progress in improving the quality of child care programs and services for children from birth to age 13. 


Annual Outcomes Report - Fiscal Year 2023

Corrected – Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Throughout Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23), the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) has built upon the progress and innovation that established the department as a national leader in early childhood education and care. ECECD has continued to expand access to programs and services, improve child care affordability, enhance quality, raise wages for the early childhood workforce, and increase family and community engagement across the state.

These investments are already having a significant impact on families and young children across the state, and will benefit the health, well-being, and educational success of children in our state for generations to come.

Findings from the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department’s Family Engagement and Satisfaction Survey

The New Mexico Family Engagement and Satisfaction Survey was developed in collaboration with the Early Childhood Education and Care Department and distributed to families of children ages 0-5 throughout New Mexico to assess the availability and utilization of programs and services throughout the state. The survey ties directly to the New Mexico Early Childhood Strategic Plan.

Annual Outcomes Report for Fiscal Year 2022 July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

January 13, 2023

This Annual Outcomes report, as mandated by state law, captures the progress the Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) made in building the state’s early childhood system in Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). FY22 was an exceptional and extraordinary year for early childhood care and education in New Mexico. ECECD delivered significant benefits to New Mexico children and their families through a historic expansion of child care assistance and infrastructure, while expanding families’ access to other early childhood programs and significantly strengthening the PreK workforce.


2022 Spring Tour Report

December 29, 2022

ECECD leadership visited more than 20 communities across the state spring of 2022. ECECD met with early childhood educators, child care providers, home visiting professionals, parents, elected officials, and other community members. This report compiles and reports what ECECD heard from stakeholders on the tour.

Findings from the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department’s Family Engagement and Satisfaction Survey

The New Mexico Family Engagement and Satisfaction Survey was developed in collaboration with the Early Childhood Education and Care Department and distributed to families of children ages 0-5 throughout New Mexico to assess the availability and utilization of programs and services throughout the state. The survey ties directly to the New Mexico Early Childhood Strategic Plan.

New Mexico Head Start State Collaboration Office Needs Assessment 2022

April 22, 2022

Head Start and Early Head Start are a vital part of New Mexico’s early childhood education and care system, providing free, federally funded programs to improve school readiness for children from low-income families. The 2022 New Mexico Head Start State Collaboration Office Needs Assessment focuses on federal priorities for collaboration, while also recognizing program responses to the strains that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to place on low-income families with young children.

New Mexico Indian Education Newsletter: Cradle-to-Career

This newsletter provides new Leadership with an introduction to the respective education agencies as well as providing all Tribal Leadership with updates while highlighting the collaboration amongst the three agencies and alignment between the State and Tribes on education efforts. In this edition, we highlight significant education legislation in the 2022 legislative session, information on each agency’s fiscal year 2022 operating budget, and agency programs.

New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department Annual Outcomes Report

The New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) is pleased to present its inaugural Annual Outcomes Report documenting the first full fiscal year since the Department launched in July 2020.


The New Mexico Early Childhood Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Uploaded January 2021

The New Mexico Early Childhood Strategic Plan continues and answers the work in the Early Childhood Needs Assessment (completed in 2019). This Plan charts out key Goals, Objectives, and Actions to meet the identified needs, plus Measures to track progress. Taken together, New Mexico’s Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan provide a detailed view of the early childhood landscape and a comprehensive strategy for moving forward.

Indian Education Semi-Annual Government-to-Government Summit

2021 Report 

New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department Advisory Council Final Report and Recommendations

The recommendations developed by the Advisory Council will impact the development of ECECD’s policies and practices and will be implemented wherever possible.

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Understanding the Cost of Quality Child Care in New Mexico: A Cost Estimation Model to Inform Subsidy Rate Setting

Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies

    The New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department Four-Year Finance Plan 2023-2026

    The Early Childhood Education and Care Department engaged Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies
    to lead the finance plan process, including the development of fiscal models for revenue, service
    planning and expenses, across all elements of the new Department, engagement with stakeholders
    and the development of the four year plan.

    Statewide Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Report and Three-Year Plan

    IECMH Consultation will promote, respond, and preserve the mental health and well-being of New Mexico’s babies, infants and toddlers by developing and deploying a knowledgeable and competent IECMH Consultation workforce. 


    New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department Transition Committee

    Final Report and 18-Month Action Plan