Apply for Services
We invite you to complete the Am I Eligible? survey and learn about the Family Services Programs for which you may be eligible. To apply for services or request a referral to one or more of the Family Services Programs, click on the Apply For Services button below.

How to get started:
Step 1:
Take the Am I Eligible Survey, click here to start the survey. Answering a few questions takes less than five minutes and helps you determine which programs you may qualify for. Please keep in mind that this survey is a tool used to see if you might benefit from these programs listed above. You will have to apply for these programs to get a final decision.
Step 2:
Apply for services and request a referral to Family Services Programs by completing the Online Application, click here to start the application. Please note that submitting the application does not determine final eligibility. Program staff may request more information from you.
Step 3:
Click here to learn about the programs for which you may be eligible for.
Did you start or submit an application already?
Which programs do you qualify for?
Take a short survey (2-4 minutes) to determine which programs you may benefit from. You will have to apply for these programs to get a final decision.
We will ask you to tell us about the people in your home and the money that the household receives from employment and other sources. What you tell us today will stay private and secure. When you finish the survey we will tell you if you might be eligible for any of the listed programs to the left.
Below you will find a brief overview of programs you may be eligible for. Click learn more for detailed program details.
Child Care Assistance (CCA)
Child Care Assistance (CCA) provides financial support to help you pay for the cost of child care. The Child Care Services Bureau pays some or all of your child care costs each month if you are working, going to school or both and meet income qualifications.
New Mexico PreK
New Mexico PreK is a voluntary, free program that gives children the opportunity to attend a high-quality, early childhood education program before entering kindergarten. Children who attend PreK programs do better starting on the first day of school. If your child is between the ages of 3 to 5, he or she qualifies for PreK based on availability in your area.
Head Start and Early Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start provides free learning and development services to low-income families with children ages birth to five and expecting parents. Head Start Programs promote the school readiness of children and provides a learning environment that supports the child’s growth preparing them for kindergarten and life of learning.
Home Visiting
Are you expecting a child or the parent of a child age 5 and under? A home visitor is your trusted partner in parenting.
Home visitors are available to answer your questions on a wide range of topics, including prenatal care, safe sleep, bottle and breastfeeding, growth and development, parental self-care, school readiness, and more. They meet you where you are, without judgment, and provide personalized support that fits your family’s needs and cultural preferences.
Family Infant Toddler (FIT)
Do you have developmental concerns regarding a child in your home between the ages of birth to age 3? If so, the FIT Program is a statewide program that provides home and community-based early intervention services to infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities and their families. Early intervention provides therapy and developmental services, that are family-focused and teach families activities and strategies to promote their child’s development throughout the day at home and in other settings (child care / Early Head Start etc.).
Summer Food Service Program
Is your child 18 years old or younger? If so, he or she may be able to receive free and nutritious meals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does "Notice of Action" mean on my application status?
After an application is assigned to a worker, they will review the information provided and may request further documentation from you. A Notice of Action will be sent via email to request additional documents and/or forms necessary to complete the client application. We highly recommend you check your Spam/Junk folder since our emails are often sent to that folder.
I am having trouble uploading documents to my application on the Am I Eligible website. How else can I upload them?
We recommend continuing with the application and submit as-is. As soon as one of our Child Care Assistance team members is assigned to your application, they will review your application and reach out to you via phone/email and request any additional documents necessary to complete the application. You may also submit documents to
I have not received the verification email to register my account on the Am I Eligible site.
We recommend you check the Spam/Junk folder within your email account because certain email accounts, including Gmail, iCloud, Hotmail, etc. will often send our emails to that folder.
I would like to renew my application for Child Care Assistance?
How long does the application process take?
The process of the application depends on how quickly we obtain all the required documents. If you are approved, we can backdate to anytime within the month you apply but not prior. We are currently receiving a high volume of Child Care Assistance requests due to expanded income eligibility, and our team members are processing them as they are received. We appreciate your patience.
How much longer will it take after I submit all the required documentation?
The process may take up to one week once all required documents are received. We are currently receiving a high volume of Child Care Assistance requests due to expanded income eligibility, and our team members are processing them as they are received. We appreciate your patience.
What are the acceptable documents needed for Child Care Assistance?
Where can I download the Child Care Assistance applications?
- Application In English
- Application In Spanish
What does my application status mean when it says, "Complete App sent to ECECD?"
This status means all required documents may have been received and the application was sent from our call center team member. The application will be assigned to an Eligibility Interviewer to determine eligibility for the Child Care Assistance program. It may take 24-48 hours for the worker to respond.
What does my application status mean when it says, "Incomplete App sent to ECECD?"
This status means all required documents were not received and the application was sent from our call center team member. The application will be assigned to an Eligibility Interviewer. It may take 24-48 hours for the worker to respond. A final Notice of Action will be sent for any missing documentation needed to determine eligibility for the Child Care Assistance program. The application will be denied if required documentation is not received and you may need to reapply for services.
What does my application status mean when it says, "Referral Given?"
This status means the resource and referral team has emailed resources per your request for additional assistance. We recommend you check the Spam/Junk folder within your email account because certain email accounts including Gmail, iCloud, Hotmail, etc. will often send emails to that folder.