Business Services and Professional Development
ECECD provides no-cost professional development and technical assistance to early childhood professionals! Our goal is to support high quality, equitable child care services aligned to the early learning guidelines and meet the geographic, cultural, and linguistic diversity of programs and communities of New Mexico.

Mandatory New Employee Course Substitutions
Under NMAC B(2)(b), all new child care employees must complete 37 hours of professional development. These trainings are available for free on the Quorum online learning platform in both English and Spanish. Three-credit early childhood college courses have been approved as substitutions and can be applied towards the 37 hours of required professional development.
New Mexico Early Learning System (NMELS)
NMELS provides free in-person, online, and hybrid training opportunities for New Mexico’s early childhood workforce. All trainings are aligned to the New Mexico core competencies and individuals can keep track of all of their training certificates in one easy place!
Register for a free account and start taking trainings today
Elevate New Mexico Child Care
Operating a child care program is hard work, but you don’t have to do it alone. Get access to free business coaching, child care management software, and community coaching to help streamline time-consuming business tasks.
Get access to free child care management software that:
- Eliminates paperwork
- Automated billing tools to streamline payments
- Helps providers save time on administrative tasks
- Helps providers get new enrollments
- Easy-to-use website and marketing tools
- Mobile app for parent messaging, communication, and attendance tracking
- Online enrollment management tools
ECECD Home Visiting Program Trainings
The Center for Development and Disability’s (CDD) Early Childhood Learning Network (ECLN) maintains a team of Home Visiting Consultants who are experts in the area of infant and toddler development. This team provides consultation and technical assistance to Home Visiting programs located across five regions of New Mexico.
Free Training Courses for Early Childhood Professionals
Quorum is a free online training program available to early childhood professionals throughout New Mexico. Quorum includes 200+ hours of engaging online professional development, in both English and Spanish.
Course topics include:
- Health, Safety and Nutrition
- Family and Community Collaboration
- Developmentally Appropriate Content
Child Care Business Toolkit
ECECD’s Child Care Business Toolkit contains thousands of practical and customizable resources, including sample policies, procedures, handbooks, forms, job descriptions, interview guides and much more.
Waterford Upstart is a school readiness program that teaches preschool-age children basic skills they need in reading, math and science. With funds made available by the legislature and allocated to ECECD, additional early learning providers (including Head Start and Community-Based providers) have an opportunity to participate at no cost.