ECECD supports the councils listed below. Each council operates according to its own unique set of rules, purposes, and membership structures, tailored to its specific context and goals.

The Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Advisory Council
Federal law mandates that New Mexico must maintain a state advisory council for early childhood education. The Early Childhood Education and Care Advisory Council meets this requirement and aligns with the Department’s Five-Year Strategic Plan.
The Early Childhood Education and Care Advisory Council and its Subcommittees hold regular meetings. Visit the ECEC website for details about these meetings, access to materials, and information on how to submit public comments.
Local Early Childhood System Building Coalitions
Through the Local Early Childhood Systems Building Coalitions Grant, ECECD aims to create more cohesive, equitable, and effective early childhood systems in New Mexico, which includes coordinating a continuum of family driven, community based high–quality prenatal–to–five programs and services that are available and accessible to all families in every corner of the state.
The Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC)
The Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) is federally mandated under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C to advise and assist ECECD in addressing the needs of New Mexico families of infants and toddlers with or at risk for developmental delay, or with developmental disabilities. ICC works in partnership with the Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program.
New Mexico Early Childhood Tribal Advisory Coalition (NMECTAC)
In FY23, ECECD, in partnership with the 23 Tribes, Pueblos, and Nations of our state, founded the New Mexico Early Childhood Tribal Advisory Coalition (NMECTAC) to create a channel for regular communication and engagement with New Mexico’s tribal communities. The coalition highlights the distinct and unique American Indian cultures and languages across the state.
Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Advisory Council
The Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Advisory Council advises the state of New Mexico and ECECD on ways to build and sustain coordinated systems of health and related services for families with young children. The ECCS Advisory Council helps ECECD leverage the health system as a critical partner and connection point in the broader early childhood system.
Local Early Childhood Systems Building Coalitions
Since FY22, ECECD has funded fifteen coalitions across twelve New Mexico counties. Through Local Early Childhood Systems Building Coalitions, ECECD aims to create more cohesive, equitable, and effective early childhood systems in New Mexico, which includes coordinating a continuum of family driven, community based high-quality prenatal-to-five programs and services that are available and accessible to all families in every corner of the state.