Home Visiting
Every parent—no matter if it’s your first child or your fifth—needs someone to rely on. Your home visitor can be that support!
Home Visiting professionals support families by providing information on check-up milestone dates, screenings, referrals, parenting advice, and guidance with navigating other programs and services in their community.
Starting on August 19, 2024, home visiting agencies, third-party organizations, and families can submit referrals for home visiting services through Am I Eligible?

About Home Visiting
Every parent—no matter if it’s your first child or your fifth—needs someone to rely on. Your home visitor can be that support! New Mexico’s home visiting program connects you with a friendly expert for regular, planned visits in the comfort of your home or in remote telehealth sessions. Any family expecting a baby or with children under age five qualifies for Home Visiting, and the program is always free, regardless of income.
Babies don’t come with instructions, but home visitors guide you to the answers you need to be the best caregiver possible for your child. You can trust your home visitor for guidance on a wide range of topics including safe sleep for your baby, injury prevention, nutrition, child care, breastfeeding and nutrition, self-care, and more. You don’t have to do it alone!
What Home Visitors do:
- They share what you can expect as your child grows, and help you prepare for all their firsts and milestones
- They help boost your confidence as a parent and build caregiving skills
- They’re there to answer questions and share information to help you care for yourself and your child
- They can connect you with family-focused resources, programs, and supportive relationships within your community
- They offer support, listen to your needs, and serve as your trusted partner
Home Visiting Referral Portal
ECECD is making the home visiting referral process easier than ever with the new online referral system. Families can now self-refer through “Am I Eligible,” ECECD’s online portal for early childhood services.
Home visiting agencies and third parties like Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, early intervention providers, and health care professionals will also create an account to refer families to home visiting through the Portal.
The online referral system went live on Monday, August 19, 2024.
Contact ECECD's Home Visiting team
Ph: 1-833-675-1438
The Early Show with Alax!
The Early Show with Alax and Ask Alax are informative online originals created for the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department. They’re made for grownups with kids in mind. Home Visiting is featured in the episodes shared here.
Home Visiting Links
External websites
Looking for a Home Visiting Provider?
See the Home Visiting Providers list located in the materials library. These agencies are funded through a combination of state and federal funds, including Medicaid, IDEA Part C, and private health insurance
Safe Sleep Baby Kit
Safe Sleep! Are you looking to get a Safe Sleep Baby Kit for your expecting family or infant? The kit includes a bassinet, infant clothing, baby board books, and educational materials about Safe Sleep, baby’s development, and resources available to families of young children in our state.
To receive a free kit, contact your local Home Visiting program, or call 1-800-691-9067 to connect with a program.