How much does it actually cost to provide high-quality child care in the State of New Mexico?

It’s a complicated question that needs to take many factors into consideration, including age of children served, program setting, quality level, geographic location, and more. Unlike many other states, New Mexico uses a cost-estimation model to more accurately inform the child care assistance rates it pays to providers, ensuring that the rates can support stable child care businesses, competitive compensation for educators, and quality learning environments for children. ECECD uses the cost model to analyze child care rates annually and make increases to per-child rates as budget allows. ECECD updates its cost model every three years to ensure the model reflects the current cost of care, in compliance with federal Child Care Development Fund requirements.

New Mexico’s 2024 Cost Estimation Report

January, 2025

The Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) is a federal funding source supporting access to child care for low-income working families. States set maximum reimbursement rates for child care programs serving children eligible under CCDF and must assess the cost of delivering services to inform these rates. In New Mexico, CCDF funding is managed by ECECD through the Child Care Assistance program. Comprehensive data analysis allows New Mexico’s leaders to align subsidy rates with the true cost of quality care, increasing access to high-quality child care for families statewide.

ECECD has made a cost model calculator available to child care providers to help programs estimate how the child care subsidy rates will impact their bottom line.

A cost model is not the same as a program budget, a cost model has different choices that can be made to understand the costs and revenues to help programs and ECECD plan for the future. The cost model identifies the gap between the costs and the revenue sources available, depending on the choices you make in using it.  

Will I get the same answer or a single answer from the cost model tool?  

You make choices in using the cost model.  You will only get the same answer from the cost model if you make the exact same selections as you did previously, or as someone else using the model did to get their cost per child answer. 

There is not a single answer generated by a cost model. Cost answers vary by your choices on:  

  • Program size 
  • Ages of children served 
  • FOCUS Level 
What are the cost model values based on?  

In this July 2023 cost model:  

  • Expenses (salaries and benefits and non-personnel operating expenses) have been updated to FY24 expense values 
  • Revenues are based on the currently available revenues for state Child Care Assistance Program and federal Child and Adult Care Food Program 

We're here to help!

ECECD provides a variety of resources and supports to help providers better understand the cost model and navigate the cost calculator.

Stay Up to Date

ECECD, in partnership with Prenatal-to-Five Fiscal Strategies, provides updates on the cost model in its biweekly newsletter. 

Questions and Support

Need more assistance? If you have questions or want to request individualized support in using the tool, we can help! 

Presentations and Resources

Cost Model Materials Library