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One Time Incentive Payment for Child Care Professionals

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The application was open from November 1 – December 1, 2021

The Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) is pleased to announce the One Time Incentive Payment for Child Care Professionals. This incentive opportunity is made possible via the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Act (CRRSA), which includes federal funding for New Mexico to invest in its child care system and the professionals that provide safe, high-quality services to children and families. A strategic priority of ECECD is to advance a diverse, well-compensated, and credentialed workforce. 

The services child care professionals provide New Mexican families are extremely important and ECECD appreciates the work done to provide safe and high-quality services in child care settings. Child care staff who served children and families throughout the pandemic did so day-in, day-out in person. Telecare was not an option for these workers. This one-time incentive payment is a token of recognition and appreciation for the unique circumstances that professionals working in the child care setting experienced. This grant specifically recognizes the unique hardships that workers in the child care setting have endured day-in, day-out, during the pandemic.

Limited Deadline Extension for One-Time Payment Applicants Seeking Technical Assistance

Professionals who have reached out for technical assistance with the application or do so before the December 1st, 5 p.m. MT deadline will be granted a limited exception to apply after the grant deadline. This limited exception will allow the ECECD time to resolve all technical assistance requests and determine the applicants’ eligibility.

Until this process is complete, child care professionals will not have access to apply. You will be notified mid-December when the application reopens.

If you have requested technical assistance from 1) ececd.grants@state.nm.us, 2) MTX, our grant vendor, or 3) Technical Assistance call center you are in the queue. Please do not make multiple calls or send multiple emails.

An ECECD representative will contact professionals who are eligible for the one-time payment when the grant application re-opens, at which time they may apply. If you require assistance with an existing application or payment, please contact the ececd grants email at ececd.grants@state.nm.us or leave a message with the Technical Assistance Call Center at 505-236-4085 (English) or 505-539-4885 (Spanish).

recibirán una excepción limitada para presentar su solicitud después de la fecha límite de la subvención.

Estimado profesional de cuidado infantil:

Los profesionales que hayan solicitado asistencia técnica con la solicitud o que lo hagan antes de la fecha límite del 1 de diciembre a las 5 p. m. MT recibirán una excepción limitada para presentar su solicitud después de la fecha límite de la subvención. Esta excepción limitada le dará tiempo al ECECD para resolver todas las solicitudes de asistencia técnica y determinar la elegibilidad de los solicitantes.

Hasta que se complete este proceso, los profesionales de cuidado infantil no tendrán acceso para presentar una solicitud. Se le notificará a mediados de diciembre cuando se vuelva a abrir la aplicación.

Si ha solicitado asistencia técnica a 1) ececd.grants@state.nm.us, 2) MTX, nuestro proveedor de subvenciones, o 3) centro de llamadas de asistencia técnica, está en la cola. No haga varias llamadas ni envíe varios correos electrónicos.

Un representante de ECECD se pondrá en contacto con los profesionales que son elegibles para el pago único cuando se vuelva a abrir la solicitud de subvención, momento en el que pueden presentar la solicitud. Si necesita ayuda con una solicitud o pago existente, comuníquese con el correo electrónico de subvenciones de la ECECD en ececd.grants@state.nm.us o deje un mensaje con el Centro de llamadas de asistencia técnica al 505-236-4085 (inglés) o al 505-539-4885 (español).

Los profesionales que ya han presentado su solicitud con éxito pueden verificar su estado de pago en el portal de solicitud. Cuando el estado de su pago aparezca como ” issued ” (emitido), revise su correo para ver el cheque de pago único.

El Departamento de Educación y Cuidado de la Primera Infancia
Email: ececd.grants@state.nm.us

Incentive Payment Application Status

Professionals who have already successfully applied can check their payment status in the application portal. When your payment status appears as “issued,” please monitor your mail for the one-time payment check.   

Awards and Payment

Incentive payments will be issued starting in mid-November:

  • Each awarded applicant will receive a one-time payment of $1,500.
  • Awardees are responsible for paying any local, state, or federal taxes related to this incentive. Awardees should consult their accountant or tax advisor.
  • Payment will be issued via paper check and sent to the mailing address indicated on the application.
  • Home providers will receive payments via direct deposit or paper check depending on your current financial information on record in EPICS.
  • ECECD is committed to ensuring a fair and simple distribution process.

Contact Information:

E-mail: ececd.grants@state.nm.us

• Main line: (505) 236-4085
• Spanish line: (505) 539-4889